Monday, May 17, 2010

Broken Pieces

Often times, we are marred by broken promises, wasted time or even self-inflicted wounds. We then put together those broken pieces based on our fallible human ability. In our haste to repair ourselves, we build a wall without a lasting foundation. But, we feel protected. We give ourselves a false sense of security, and become protective of what we have built. We risk experiencing the pain all over again if the wall is torn down.

However, we dismiss the fact that something built on the wrong foundation is doomed anyway. We hide the hurt as a mother hen protects her baby chicks, providing a shield from danger. At the same time, we are reluctant to allow God to take over and tear down what we have built. We cannot allow Him to mold us differently. Actually, why does He need to? Aren’t we already healed? What is wrong with the way we have done things…for so long? Do we have to relive the pain and admit that we have been on the wrong track? Yes. If we are willing to trust God, He will show us a more excellent way. Our way only cripples.

Everyone will face the brokenness of life while on this earth. It is a package deal with life. However, it is how we deal with what is broken that makes the difference. Do we continue dysfunctional behavior, trying to ignore the broken pieces, or are we willing to move forward and learn the life lesson that is guaranteed to make us better, rather than bitter?

I choose better, knowing that things don’t just happen. The good and the bad have a place on my path to greatness.

“Character cannot be developed in ease and quiet. Only through experience of trial and suffering can the soul be strengthened, vision cleared, ambition inspired, and success achieved.” Helen Keller

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