Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Don't Get It Twisted! Part 1

Writing is one of my passions and this blog is an outlet for that, even though my posts are infrequent. It amazes me how words connect to express a thought or ignite passion in people. I do not post to this blog as often as I would like. But, something within me awakens whenever I put pen to paper (or a keystroke in MS Word).

In fact, passion and purpose are intertwined. Ask yourself, “What am I most passionate about?” Something stirs within to express that passion through meaningful action. We decide to channel those strong emotions towards something positive, something that advances a cause or inspires others to act.

To understand what guides our sole purpose for being, I want to start at the beginning of civilization. No, I am not referring to The Big Bang Theory, a scientific explanation about God’s creation. I want to start at The Beginning to understand what can cloud our soul’s purpose.

In the beginning, God formed Adam in His image. God breathed life into Adam and as the Bible says, Adam became a living soul. And so humanity began. The Spirit of God breathed life into man’s soul, which quickened the body into action. Adam was given a purpose: to name all of the creatures that God had created and to cultivate the land.

Everything was good for man until God saw that it was not good for man to be alone. So, Eve was also made for a purpose: to be a help mate to her husband. No, this is not an exegesis on the purpose of marriage.

Rather, this is to emphasize that God does not make mistakes. Everything He does is with purpose. Since we were created in His image, certainly this includes a purpose for our lives.

Man and woman now existed within the Earth that God had created. Spirit, soul, and body. It is important to note that God put everything in place before He placed Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. They lacked nothing to fulfill their purpose on Earth.

So, what happened? I believe that the introduction of sin flipped the order of things where man and woman’s existence shifted from God’s divine order. Body, soul, and spirit. Now, man’s purpose required satisfying the body first, putting humanity out of sync with the will of God. We have sought a way to revert back to the original order ever since.

The inspiration for this blog came from a Soul Purpose special event hosted by Mrs. Dawn Causey, Executive Marketing Director for the company. Soul Purpose specializes in an all-natural collection of fragrances, candles and skin care products that focus on making you whole and healthy, from the inside out.

And, is not that how God created us with purpose? The Lord seeks to externally manifest what He internally planted. Let Him.

But, how do we get back to that place of order, where the Spirit of God breathes purpose into our spirit? How do we align our soul, the center of our emotions, to keep the body on the right path?

I believe that we must feed the spirit and nurture the soul, ensuring our body works to fulfill God’s divine purpose. Our next blog post will expound further on accomplishing just that.

“You were created on purpose for a purpose.” Susan L. Taylor
Cartrice Myers, Me and Dawn at the Soul Purpose Event. March 10, 2012