Officials in Gainesville denied the fire permit application to the church, but it plans to proceed despite this denial. The church has even listed 10 reasons to justify this act on its website. Key arguments are that Islam wants to take over the world, Islam is of the devil, and that the Islamic culture teaches fear and hatred towards the West. I would like to question this logic on several grounds.
What is the real message? Dove is a symbol of peace. How ironic that this church has chosen it as part of its name. Burning the Quran is not a sign of peace, but rather a lethal way to incite violence and more hate crimes. What manner of Christianity is this? Christ taught that men (the world) would know that we are His disciples of we show love towards others. Lest we forget, the Bible was used to justify slavery. Crosses were burned on lawns, terrorizing families. Still, the message then was the same as now: we do not want you here.
This is hardly the best way to commemorate the souls who died on 9/11. Lest we forget, the 9/11 terrorists did not wait until all Muslims left the Twin Towers. On that day, the world saw Americans as one. We stood together as one…until we eased back into the comforts of our own prejudices. Despite the man-made denominations which separate Christians, the world also sees each group proclaiming to be Christians as one. Yet, there is a difference. Just like there is a difference between Islamic extremists who also kill Muslims, and devout Muslims who live in peace and denounce terrorism. I have learned that there are those who call themselves Christian, and those who are true Christians. Their actions speak for them, while the others just speak.
What is the real fear? The Bible also teaches us that “there is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear has torment.” (I John 4:18) America has a world-wide reputation for its freedom, opportunity, wealth, values, arrogance and dominance. There is a love-hate relationship with this country because of our own ambiguity: Join us, but leave your world, your beliefs, your values, and your language behind. We will pick and choose what is acceptable in our ethnocentric culture. We decide if you are un-American. The efforts of this church to prove a point is sending the message that America is a land of intolerance. Those feared also have inalienable rights in this country. This leads me to my final question…
What could be the end result? More harm than good is done if this church allows fear to dictate its actions. The seeds planted can lead to growth on dangerous grounds that no one in America is prepared to handle. This could embolden other factions in America that want to take their country back. It would not surprise me to see Muslim-Americans turn the other cheek and not retaliate. However, it shames me to see those who call themselves “Christian” behave in this manner. Not only are they disrespecting someone’s faith, but they are also breaking the law of the land. Is this really what Jesus would do?
“Do unto others as you will have them do unto you.”
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