Unfortunately, USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack, the White House, and the NAACP had a knee jerk reaction to an edited video clip published by a right wing organization of statements Ms. Sherrod made a few months ago. Now, some might be willing to give the White House and Secretary Vilsack a pass. However, the NAACP does not deserve a pass. Ms. Sherrod made the alleged comments at an event held by the organization in March. (Click here to watch the full video.) What happened to due diligence, especially if you espouse to represent a group of people who have been marginalized, misrepresented, and maligned in this country? No one in the organization chose to think before acting, and a hastily decision was made to support her resignation. Or, was the NAACP quick to respond because of its recent resolution that condemned racist elements in the tea party movement? I believe it was the latter. In an effort to preserve its image, the organization nearly destroyed the character of a woman who has helped people of all colors.
Frankly, I do not agree with the NAACP’s decision to adopt such a resolution in the first place. That is like telling us that water is wet. Rather, I would like to see the NAACP focus its energy on real issues affecting the black community everyday, since it is supposed to stand for the advancement of African-American people. What a more powerful statement the organization could have made if it had revealed the full video before other outlets chose to listen to Ms. Sherrod. Another wasted opportunity, and a rush to judgment. Instead, the organization has given ammunition to those it claims to condemn.
“Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain - and most fools do. But it takes character and self-control to be understanding and forgiving.” - Dale Carnegie